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Writer's pictureCaretology

Caretology Foundation Core Focus Areas

Caretology Foundationis investing resources toward measurable progress in:

Universal healthcare coverage, because access to regular preventive care is a crucial first step to promoting well-being.

Food security, to ensure everyone has access to healthy and nutritious food.

Housing security, including evidence-based methods for ending chronic homelessness.

Health care and social support for immigrants, including the 10 million undocumented migrants in the U.S., who often lack access to preventive care.

A criminal justice system built on healing and restoration, which would go a long way toward addressing mental illness and substance abuse.

Decarbonization of health care, because the industry is responsible for about 8.5% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions.

Voting rights, to ensure that every adult citizen has a voice in selecting policy makers who will listen to the community’s needs.

Strong schools, because education levels are highly correlated with health.

High-quality support for pregnant people and babies, to dramatically reduce the toll of maternal mortality and give infants a good start in life.

Social supports for the elderly to end the loneliness and isolation that is a significant driver of infirmity.

An end to gun violence, which destroys far too many lives.


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